Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I'm so bad about updating this! Oops!

This summer has been crazy already. We moved out to the country the beginning of May. We love it and so does Levi. He has a huge yard to play in and a huge deck.

Levi hates haircuts now. It's a task trying to get it cut even though I do it. So he is now sporting a buzz cut for the summer because he sweats like crazy!

He is so funny!

Saturday we took him to the zoo for the first time. He loved it! He knows all of the animals and their sounds. His favorite is the elephant and giraffe!

 He hated the petting zoo

He crashed on the way home. It was like 93 degrees out this day. So hot!

Sunday was Father's Day and also my 29th birthday! We went to my dads house and played outside. He has a huge blow up water slide. Levi loved it.

Levi also got a new kitty. He calls it kiki so that's its name. He drags the poor thing around the house. He also loves to put our dog on her leash and drag her around too.

The last few months have been so fun watching him grow. He can talk and say anything he wants to now. Sometimes he says things and I'm just like where in the world did you learn that?! His favorite things are trains and planes. Thomas is coming to town in September this year. I am so excited to take him! He knows all of his colors. He can count to 10. He's learning his abc's. Super Why is good at helping with that. He will randomly start singing one of their alphabet songs from the show. He's not a picky eater. He even eats salad. His favorite thing lately is to get an ice cream come and hold it himself. He even gets a water bottle and can drink it himself without spilling it. He loves to get in the fridge and get out his own food. He helps me throw things in the trash.  The other night he was done eating and picked his plate up to throw away. I love the stage he is at now. He is just so funny and loving.

I went back to part time with work just so I can spend more time with him and take him to do things this summer. Manly because we are thinking of adding a second. I always said I wasn't going through another rough pregnancy again but I see how bored Levi gets and he loves playing with other kids. Who knows I may have 5 more! We shall see!

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